
张允1,#, 马绍英1,#, 卢旭1, 柴强2, 张绪成3, 李胜1,2,*
1甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院, 兰州730070; 2甘肃省干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室, 兰州730070; 3甘肃省农业科学院旱地农业研究所, 兰州730070

通信作者:李胜;E-mail: lish@gsau.edu.cn

摘 要:

本文实验采用GC-MS分析法对豌豆组培苗、土培苗重茬两代的根系分泌物进行鉴定。实验结果表明, 能被二氯甲烷提取的豌豆根系分泌物有醇类、脂类、醛类、苯类、烃类等。用不同浓度的豌豆化感物质2,4-二叔丁基苯酚(2,4-DB)和2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚(2,6-DM)处理豌豆、绿豆、小麦和玉米4种作物种子, 进行萌发和幼苗生长的化感效应研究。结果表明, 0~2 mmol·L-1 2,4-DB和2,6-DM处理对豌豆和绿豆种子萌发呈促进作用, 而3~5 mmol·L-1 2,4-DB和2,6-DM处理则呈抑制的作用。随浓度的增大, 2种化感物质对小麦和玉米种子萌发的抑制作用逐渐增强。对于豆科作物豌豆和绿豆, 2,4-DB对绿豆萌发时根系的抑制作用较强; 而对于禾本科作物玉米和小麦, 则2,4-DB 对小麦萌发时根系的抑制作用最强。

关键词:GC-MS; 组培苗; 豌豆; 根系分泌物; 化感效应



Isolation, identification and biological effects of allelochemicals from the root exudates of pea

ZHANG Yun1,#, MA Shao-Ying1,#, LU Xu1, CHAI Qiang2, ZHANG Xu-Cheng3, LI Sheng1,2,*
1College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2Gansu Provincial Key Lab of Aridland Crop Science, Lanzhou 730070, China; 3Institute of Dryland Agriculture, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Science, Lanzhou 730070, China

Corresponding author: LI Sheng; E-mail: lish@gsau.edu.cn


The GC-MS analysis method was used to identify the root exudates in two generations of pea tissue culture seedling and soil culture seedling. The experimental results showed that the root exudates of pea which could be extracted by dichloromethane had alcohols, lipids, aldehydes, benzene, hydrocarbons and so on. The seeds of pea, mung bean, wheat and corn were treated by different concentrations of 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (2,4-DB) and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (2,6-DM) to study their allelopathic effects on germination and seedling growth. The results showed that the treatments of 0–2 mmol L-1 2,4-DB and 2,6-DM promoted the germination of pea and mung bean seeds, while the treatments of 3–5 mmol L-1 2,4-DB and 2,6-DM inhibited them. With the increase of concentrations, the inhibitory effect of two allelochemicals on the germination of wheat and corn seeds gradually increased. For leguminous crops pea and mung bean, 2,4-DB had a strong inhibition on the root of mung bean during germination, while for graminaceous crop corn and wheat, the 2,4-DB had the strongest inhibitory effect on the root during the germination of wheat.

Key words: GC-MS; tissue culture seedling; pea; root exudates; allelopathic effects

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